• Exciting Summer Opportunities

    ESL/Newcomer (International Student Summer Program for High School)


    Summer School Staff Contacts

    Secondary ESL Summer Contact: Nicole Bryan nicole.bryan@birdvilleschools.net


    Richland High School

    5201 Holiday Lane East
    N. Richland Hills, TX 76180 

    Principal: Colby Blankenship colby.blankenship@birdvilleschools.net

    Course Information

    The International Student Summer School Program is designed for emergent bilingual students to receive credit for courses they missed or to obtain credit for courses they plan to take in the future. Students will be able to grow in content knowledge as well as language acquisition in the courses they choose. Students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills will be enhanced through unique experiences. 

    Registration Information

    Please fill out this student registration form by March 29th :