APWh Period 4

Posted by David Wolf on 11/16/2010 8:00:00 AM

Before you read any of the documents I want you to jot down a few things you think of when you hear the word ¡°crusade¡±. When you answer the question I want to see what some of your thoughts were. The following are documents I want you tread read, note how you feel or what ideas you may have had about the crusades that are proved or disproved in your notes.

Document 1: Pope Urban the Seconds speech at Clermont:

Document 2: Fulk of Charters account of taking Jerusalem:

Document 3: Muslim Accounts of taking of Jerusalem:

Document 4: The Capture of Jerusalem by Saladin:

Document 5: The Saladin Tithe:

Document 6: Richard the Lionheart Makes Peace with Saladin:


After all documents have been read please respond to the following question? After more posts have been placed you are required to come back and respond (nicely please) to one of your peers posts.

¡€         What impressions did you have of the crusades before reading these documents that changed after reading them? How are these documents biased? Do they show one side in better light than the other? Were the crusades a just cause or a reason to pillage?



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