Phone: 817-547-7000


Degrees and Certifications:

BS Elementary Education Kansas State University Texas Teacher Certifications ELAR 7-12 Special Education K-12 Generalist K-4 English as a Second Language

Mrs. Denise K. Jones

 Teaching has been in my life as far back as I can remember. My dad was a teacher and a principal. His mom and my maternal grandmother were also teachers.  I went to K-State University to pursue teaching for myself. With 30 years of experience, I have taught at every level, including 1st grade, math, English, science, and special education. No matter what the subject, the reason I keep teaching is students. I want each one of them to know how valuable he or she is to the bigger picture. The world is ever changing, but one thing remains the same: building people and teaching them with kindness as they learn their purpose is of the utmost importance. 

  • Contact Info and Schedule

    Denise K Jones

    817-547-7000 or text 913-636-4558


    Tuesday - Thursday 2:40-3:30

    Mondays and mornings by appointment


    4th period 10:12-10:59


    1st period- Social Skills

    2nd period- PASS

    3rd period- PASS

    4th period- Confernce

    5th period- PASS

    6th period- PASS

    7th period- Social Skills



Last Modified on September 4, 2023