• Sra. Perez at the Coliseum
    Welcome to my website! I'm very excited to teach Spanish I and AVID II classes at RHS again this year!
     I have spent time living abroad in Spain, Italy, and Germany, and I am excited to teach my students about other languages and cultures. Studying a second language improves students' abilities in their native tongue simultaneously as they focus on grammar and vocabulary skills. Because Spanish is a Romance language, it utilizes many Latin roots, which can be very helpful when it comes to decoding new vocabulary in English, too.
    This brings me to my second passion: college preparation. I have many years of experience teaching PSAT and SAT classes at private and public high schools. I have also worked as an Academic Advisor at TCC, where I primarily assisted students in their transitions to four-year universities. I love to encourage and guide students in college and career exploration, especially as part of my AVID class.

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