• Quiz 31 The End of Stuff B

    Quiz 31 The End B

    1. Which reasons describes best why the Chinese peasants align themselves with the Communists rather than the Nationalists?



    a. The Nationalists were instrumental in the relocation of thousands of peasants in the Long March



    b. The Nationalists were the driving force in China regarding industrialization



    c. The Communists moved peasants to collective farms where many prospered



    d. The Communists divided land among the farmers, where as the Nationalists refused to address the problems of the farmers.



    e. They didn’t. The Chinese peasants were allied with the Communist.




    2. In what way did Mustafa Kemal Atat?rk transform Turkish society?



    He secularized the legal codes and public education



    He stripped women of property and voting rights



    He emphasized the use of the Arabic language



    He banned western style clothing and music



    He introduced democracy and eliminated authoritarian practices




    3. The leader of the Arab world in the 1950s and 1960s was



    a. Saddam Hussein.



    b. Gamal Abdel Nasser. 



    c. Anwar Sadat.



    d. King Farouk.



    e. Ayatollah Khomeini.




    4 Deng Xiaoping



    a. masterminded the Great Leap Forward.



    b. was the driving force behind the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.



    c. was the leader of Taiwan who helped bring about tremendous economic expansion.



    d. fled to Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War.



    e. brought free market reforms to China. 




    5.  The situation wherein national boundaries were artificial conveniences that did not correspond to economic or ethnic divisions was most common in



    a. Africa. 



    b. eastern Europe.



    c. southeast Asia.



    d. North America.



    e. Latin America.




    6. OPEC is



          a. the remnant of the old Communist bloc nations.



          b. an association of southeast Asian nations.



          c. a military wing of the United Nations.



          d. an oil-producing cartel. 



          e. designed to stop the spread of communism.



    7.. The 1997 agreement at Kyoto was aimed at controlling which of the following threats to the world’s environment?



    a. overpopulation



    b. the extinction of large numbers of plants and animals



    c. global warming from the emission of greenhouse gasses 



    d. the threat of nuclear war in central Asia



    e. the destruction of the rainforests of Africa



    8..  In an effort to end the deep distrust between society and the state, Gorbachev launched the program of glasnost that:



               a. led to openness of religious expression



                b. ended government censorship of culture



               c. led to free elections



               d. led to the eventual collapse of the USSR



              e. all of the above



    9. Which of the following is NOT a theme that could typically found in the world’s history during the 20th century?



    a. an upsurge of nationalism



    b. the revival of religion as a force for change



    c. the increasing speed and complexity of economic, political, and social changes in the world



    d. an increase in the number and frequency of cross-cultural contacts and connections.



    e. the continued dominance of the world by western powers.




    10. Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany all responded to Gorbachev’s reforms by doing what?



    a. They moved toward a non-communist government with free market economies.



    b. They moved toward a socialist government with centrally planned economies.



    c. They moved toward a totalitarian regime to suppress protests.



    d. The collapsed into failed states.



    e. They ousted authoritarian leaders by violent force
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  • Quiz 31 the Last Ch. Quiz

    Quiz 31 the end stuff A

    1. The leader of the Arab world in the 1950s and 1960s was



    a. Saddam Hussein.



    b. Gamal Abdel Nasser. 



    c. Anwar Sadat.



    d. King Farouk.



    e. Ayatollah Khomeini.



    2. Deng Xiaoping



    a. masterminded the Great Leap Forward.



    b. was the driving force behind the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.



    c. was the leader of Taiwan who helped bring about tremendous economic expansion.



    d. fled to Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War.



    e. brought free market reforms to China. 



    3.  The situation wherein national boundaries were artificial conveniences that did not correspond to economic or ethnic divisions was most common in



    a. Africa. 



    b. eastern Europe.



    c. southeast Asia.



    d. North America.



    e. Latin America.



    4. OPEC is



          a. the remnant of the old Communist bloc nations.



          b. an association of southeast Asian nations.



          c. a military wing of the United Nations.



          d. an oil-producing cartel. 



          e. designed to stop the spread of communism.



    5. The 1997 agreement at Kyoto was aimed at controlling which of the following threats to the world’s environment?



    a. overpopulation



    b. the extinction of large numbers of plants and animals



    c. global warming from the emission of greenhouse gasses 



    d. the threat of nuclear war in central Asia



    e. the destruction of the rainforests of Africa



    6.  In an effort to end the deep distrust between society and the state, Gorbachev launched the program of glasnost that:



               a. led to openness of religious expression



                b. ended government censorship of culture



               c. led to free elections



               d. led to the eventual collapse of the USSR



              e. all of the above









    7. Which reasons describes best why the Chinese peasants align themselves with the Communists rather than the Nationalists?



    A.        The Nationalists were instrumental in the relocation of thousands of peasants in the Long March



    B.        The Nationalists were the driving force in China regarding industrialization



    C.        The Communists moved peasants to collective farms where many prospered



    D.       The Communists divided land among the farmers, where as the Nationalists refused to address the problems of the farmers.



    E.        They didn’t. The Chinese peasants were allied with the Communist.




    8. In what way did Mustafa Kemal Atat?rk transform Turkish society?



    A.        He secularized the legal codes and public education



    B.        He stripped women of property and voting rights



    C.        He emphasized the use of the Arabic language



    D.       He banned western style clothing and music



    E.        He introduced democracy and eliminated authoritarian practices




    9. Which of the following is NOT a theme that could typically found in the world’s history during the 20th century?



    a. an upsurge of nationalism



    b. the revival of religion as a force for change



    c. the increasing speed and complexity of economic, political, and social changes in the world



    d. an increase in the number and frequency of cross-cultural contacts and connections.



    e. the continued dominance of the world by western powers.




    10. Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany all responded to Gorbachev’s reforms by doing what?



    a. They moved toward a non-communist government with free market economies.



    b. They moved toward a socialist government with centrally planned economies.



    c. They moved toward a totalitarian regime to suppress protests.



    d. The collapsed into failed states.



    e. They ousted authoritarian leaders by violent force
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  • Quiz 30 Short Answer

    Quiz 30 Ch. 37 Short Answer



    1. Examine the struggle of independent nations in sub-Saharan Africa. How did the legacy of colonialism and the cold war influence the development of these states?



    2. Discuss the origins of the Cold War. What were the fundamental differences between the Soviet Union and the United States?



    3. Examine the situations in Korea and Cuba in relation to the cold war competition between the Soviet Union and the United States. Who, if anyone, was victorious in these confrontations?



    4. How did Egypt use the Cold War to their advantage?



    5. What was the solution to the Jewish problem in Palestine? Was it successful? Why or why not?



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  • Quiz 30 Ch. 37 A

    Quiz 30 Ch. 37 B


    1. The Korean War resulted in

       a. an overwhelming victory for U.S.-backed South Korea.

       b. an overwhelming victory for Soviet-backed North Korea.

       c. the second use of nuclear weapons.

       d. an encouragement of the globalization of the U.S. policy of containment.  *

       e. such a terrible loss of life that the Soviets and Americans were forced to reconcile their differences.


    2.  This Cold War event was the closest that the Soviet Union and the United States came to war with one another.

         a. Berlin Blockade

         b. Cuban Missile Crisis  *

         c. Bay of Pigs Invasion

         d. Korean War

         e. the Soviet invasion of Panama


    3. In 1954, segregation in U.S. schools was declared illegal in

    a. Brown v. Board of Education.  *

    b. Parks v. Memphis School System.

    c. Bentley v. Ziegler.

    d. King Jr. v. Mobile Board of Education.

    e. Marbury v. Madison.


    4. In regard to international affairs, Nehru

       a. strongly supported the Americans.

       b. changed sides depending on who gave him the best deal.

       c. would only align with nations willing to declare war on Pakistan.

       d. strongly supported the Soviets.

       e. was one of the leaders of the nonaligned movement.  *


    5. The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence was modeled on

    a. the work of Lenin.

    b. the Communist Manifesto of Marx.

    c. the Soviet constitution.

    d. the Japanese constitution.

    e. the American Declaration of Independence.  *

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  • Quiz 30 Ch. 37 A

    Quiz 30 Ch. 37 A 

    1. The Warsaw Treaty Organization



        a. was formed in response to NATO.  *.



        b. was under the leadership of Lech Walesa.



        c. was designed to contain the spread of communism.



        d. was a free trade organization designed to foster greater economic expansion in western Europe.



        e. monitored the treaty that ended World War II.




    2. The Bay of Pigs invasion



            a. diminished U.S. prestige in Latin America.



             b. was a failure.



             c. strengthened Castro’s position in Cuba.



             d. strengthened Castro’s commitment to communism.



            e. all of the above.  *




    3. Betty Friedan, in her book The Feminine Mystique, wrote about



    a. the spectacular advances that American women had made in the years after World War II.



    b. how unhappy many American women were.  *



    c. the greater education and employment freedoms that Russian women had over U.S. women.



    d. the subtle transformation of the rights of women in the Islamic world.



    e. the controversial topic of female sexuality.




    4. In 1946, six thousand people died in the Great Calcutta Killing in a confrontation between



        a. Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.



        b. United States and Russians



        c. Hindus and Muslims.  *



        d. North Vietnamese and South Vietnamese.



        e. communists and fascists.




    5. The English and French were forced to withdraw from controlling the Suez Canal during the crisis in 1956 because



    a. the Egyptians under Gamal Abdel Nasser drove them out.



    b. the Soviets used the threat of nuclear war to force them out.



    c. of the threat posed by a rebuilding Germany back home.



    d. the United States condemned the attack and forced them to withdraw.  *



    e. the Anglo-French alliance fell apart due to an old dispute between the two traditional enemies.



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  • Ch. 29 Multiple Choice A and B

    Quiz 29 Ch. 36 A

    1.    World War II began with

        a. the assassination of Francis Ferdinand.

        b. Japanese attacks on China. 

        c. a Russian invasion of Poland.

        d. the Nazi invasion of Poland.

        e. the German takeover of Czechoslovakia.


    2. Operation Barbarossa was

    a. the British plan for a counter invasion of Germany.

    b. the German plan for an invasion of France through Belgium.

    c. the Polish operation designed to steal the secret German code machine.

    d. the German plan for an invasion of the Soviet Union. 

    e. the American plan for a landing at Normandy in northern France.


    3.  The German blitzkrieg referred to

    a. an elaborate series of concrete bunkers built on the experiences of World War II.

    b. the Nazi plan for a Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

    c. the living space in the east that was necessary for an expanding Germany.

    d. a lightning war. 

    e. the German representative assembly that voted Hitler into power.


    4. Which of the following statements reflects the relationship between the Soviet Union and eastern Europe at the end of World War II?

    a. The Soviet Union was widely hated because of its attempts in the interwar era to conquer the region.

    b. The Soviet Union had the least developed economy in the region.

    c. The Soviet Union guaranteed the political independence of the region.

    d. The Soviet Union pushed for the establishment of free market states.

    e. The Soviet Union had a very good reputation because of its role in defeating the Nazis. 


    5.  Comfort women were

    a. members of the WAVES (Women Appointed for Volunteer Emergency Service).

    b. American women who took over men’s work during the course of World War II.

    c. Korean and Chinese women forced into prostitution by the Japanese. 

    d. German spies sent to infiltrate Allied nations.

    e. wealthy women who received the title as an insult because of their refusal to assist in the war effort.

    Quiz 29 Ch. 36 B


    1. World War II began with

        a. the assassination of Francis Ferdinand.

        b. Japanese attacks on China. 

        c. a Russian invasion of Poland.

        d. the Nazi invasion of Poland.

        e. the German takeover of Czechoslovakia.


    2. The high point of appeasement was

    a. the Munich Conference. 

    b. the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact.

    c. the German invasion of Poland.

    d. Germany sending troops into the demilitarized Rhineland.

    e. the Washington Conference.


    3.  Operation Barbarossa was

    a. the British plan for a counter invasion of Germany.

    b. the German plan for an invasion of France through Belgium.

    c. the Polish operation designed to steal the secret German code machine.

    d. the German plan for an invasion of the Soviet Union. 

    e. the American plan for a landing at Normandy in northern France.


    4.  The Japanese goal in the bombing of Pearl Harbor was

    a. to be the first step in a planned invasion of the United States.

    b. to draw the Americans away from fighting the Germans in Europe.

    c. to permanently add Hawai`i to the Japanese empire.

    d. to weaken the United States and establish a defensive Japanese perimeter in the Pacific. 

    e. to implement the Final Solution.


    5.  During the Battle of Okinawa,

    a. the Okinawans took the opportunity to rebel against their Japanese oppressors.

    b. the United States suffered a devastating defeat that almost cost them the entire war.

    c. the United States introduced its own variety of the V-1 rocket.

    d. the United States was able to seize 90 percent of Vietnam.

    e. over one-hundred-thousand Okinawan civilians died refusing to surrender. 

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  • Quiz 29 Ch. 36 Short Answer a&b

    Quiz 29 Ch. 36 Short Answer A

    1. What roles did women play in the following countries during World War II:
    - USA and Great Britain
    - Russia & China

    2. Why did attacks on Russia and Britain cost Hitler the war? Could he have won? Why did Hitler kill himself?

    3. Why did the powers of the world sit by and allow Italy, Japan and Germany to openly mock the era of cooperation and peace after the world war I ?

    4. Compare and contrast the events and ends of the war in both the European and Pacific theaters. What role did the United States play in both… new technologies? 

    5. Was the use of the Atomic bombs in Japan the right move to make? Explain your answer.

    Quiz 29 Ch. 36 Short Answer B

    1. What roles did women play in the following countries during World War II:
    - USA and Great Britain
    - Russia & China

    2. Compare and contrast the events and ends of the war in both the European and Pacific theaters. What role did the United States play in both… new technologies? 

    3. Why did the powers of the world sit by and allow Italy, Japan and Germany to openly mock the era of cooperation and peace after the World War I?

    4. Why was the Holocaust allowed to go on as long as it did? Why did people just seem to turn a blind eye to the horrors of the concentration camps? Was it self-preservation? Or lack of caring?

    5. How do you think the atomic bomb changed warfare for the future? Was it necessary? Was it overkill? Was it successful?

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  • Quiz 28 Short Answer

    Quiz 28 Ch. 35



    1. Explain 2 reasons for the Crash of 1929.
    2. How did the Great Depression turn into a global depression?
    3. How did Germany and Japan differ from the United States in their response to the Depression?
    4. What was the main difference between Lenin and Stalin’s belief about the role of the Soviet Union?
    5.  How did John Maynard Keynes feel the U.S. government should react to the global depression?



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  • Quiz 27 Ch.34 Short Answer

    1. Why was World War I considered a World War?



    2. What role did Lenin play when he returned to Russia? What did he accomplish?



    3. Why was the Treaty of Versailles seen as a failure?



    4. Was Germany solely responsible for World War I? Why or why not? 



    5. What was the most important reason for the beginning of World War I? Why? 



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  • Quiz 27 Ch. 34

    Quiz 27 Ch. 34 Quiz A



    1. All of the following are long term causes of World War
    (1914-1918) EXCEPT



                    a. the rise of nationalism
            b. competition for colonies
            c. naval weapons build up
            d. economic recession



    2. Which of the following was not an important area of competition and conflict between England and Germany in the years leading up to World War I?



        a. religious differences 



        b. the naval race



        c. colonial disputes



        d. industrial and trade rivalry



        e. nationalistic tensions



    3. Which of the following was not a characteristic of the new total war of World War I?



    a. the use of propaganda to inspire the participants to even greater sacrifice



    b. unprecedented slaughter caused by new weapons



    c. the extension of laissez-faire capitalism to its greatest freedom 



    d. the recognition of the importance of the home front in the war effort



    e. the implementation of the draft



    4.  .  The key factor in the United States’ decision to enter World War I was



    a. its long-standing friendship with Great Britain.



    b. its position as leader of the free world.



    c. the U.S. desire to pick up German colonies in the Pacific.



    d. age-old antagonism between the United States and the Ottoman Turks.



    e. Germany’s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare. 



    5.  The main difference between the philosophies of Marx and Lenin was



    a. Lenin’s belief that the revolution had to be based on free market reforms.



    b. Lenin’s belief that the working class was incapable of developing revolutionary consciousness on its own. 



    c. that Lenin was much more moderate than Marx.



    d. Lenin’s belief that revolution was an inevitable force of history that would develop on its own.



    e. Marx’s continuing fascination with the Utopian Socialists.




    Quiz 27 Ch. 34 Quiz B



    1. The term for the idea that people with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states was



          a. Utopian socialism.



          b. nationalism.



          c. democratic republicanism.



          d. Fabianism.

          e. self-determination. 



    2.  The failure of the League of Nations to keep the peace was largely due to



    a. the aggressive leadership of the United States 
    b. the fear of communism after 1917
    c. the hedonism of the 1920’s
    d. vacillating leadership and lack of multilateral military resolve.



    3.  The western front in World War I was



    a. a German victory after the French abandoned their English allies.



    b. a bloody stalemate. 



    c. an overwhelming French and English victory.





    d. a relatively easy German victory.



    e. an Italian victory that changed the shape of the war.



    4.  What effect did World War I have on the status of women?



    a. Working-class women enjoyed the greatest advancement in economic opportunity.



    b. The demands of total war actually reduced the opportunities for women.



    c. All women took advantage of new economic opportunities, which lasted long past the end of the war.



    d. The slaughter caused by capitalistic tensions caused 32 percent of women to join socialist or communist parties.



    e. Women in many countries received the vote in the years after the war. 



    5. The main reason for the failure of the provisional government in Russia in 1917 was



    a. Lenin’s inexperience in actually running a government.



    b. the growing rivalry between Stalin and Trotsky.



    c. the strain placed on the government by the unpopular alliance with Germany.



    d. the public’s desire for total victory, which clashed with the government’s pacifistic approach.



    e. its inability to satisfy popular demands for an end to the war.



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Last Modified on April 11, 2012