Quiz 31 The End of Stuff B

Quiz 31 The End B

1. Which reasons describes best why the Chinese peasants align themselves with the Communists rather than the Nationalists?



a. The Nationalists were instrumental in the relocation of thousands of peasants in the Long March



b. The Nationalists were the driving force in China regarding industrialization



c. The Communists moved peasants to collective farms where many prospered



d. The Communists divided land among the farmers, where as the Nationalists refused to address the problems of the farmers.



e. They didn’t. The Chinese peasants were allied with the Communist.




2. In what way did Mustafa Kemal Atat?rk transform Turkish society?



He secularized the legal codes and public education



He stripped women of property and voting rights



He emphasized the use of the Arabic language



He banned western style clothing and music



He introduced democracy and eliminated authoritarian practices




3. The leader of the Arab world in the 1950s and 1960s was



a. Saddam Hussein.



b. Gamal Abdel Nasser. 



c. Anwar Sadat.



d. King Farouk.



e. Ayatollah Khomeini.




4 Deng Xiaoping



a. masterminded the Great Leap Forward.



b. was the driving force behind the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.



c. was the leader of Taiwan who helped bring about tremendous economic expansion.



d. fled to Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War.



e. brought free market reforms to China. 




5.  The situation wherein national boundaries were artificial conveniences that did not correspond to economic or ethnic divisions was most common in



a. Africa. 



b. eastern Europe.



c. southeast Asia.



d. North America.



e. Latin America.




6. OPEC is



      a. the remnant of the old Communist bloc nations.



      b. an association of southeast Asian nations.



      c. a military wing of the United Nations.



      d. an oil-producing cartel. 



      e. designed to stop the spread of communism.



7.. The 1997 agreement at Kyoto was aimed at controlling which of the following threats to the world’s environment?



a. overpopulation



b. the extinction of large numbers of plants and animals



c. global warming from the emission of greenhouse gasses 



d. the threat of nuclear war in central Asia



e. the destruction of the rainforests of Africa



8..  In an effort to end the deep distrust between society and the state, Gorbachev launched the program of glasnost that:



           a. led to openness of religious expression



            b. ended government censorship of culture



           c. led to free elections



           d. led to the eventual collapse of the USSR



          e. all of the above



9. Which of the following is NOT a theme that could typically found in the world’s history during the 20th century?



a. an upsurge of nationalism



b. the revival of religion as a force for change



c. the increasing speed and complexity of economic, political, and social changes in the world



d. an increase in the number and frequency of cross-cultural contacts and connections.



e. the continued dominance of the world by western powers.




10. Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany all responded to Gorbachev’s reforms by doing what?



a. They moved toward a non-communist government with free market economies.



b. They moved toward a socialist government with centrally planned economies.



c. They moved toward a totalitarian regime to suppress protests.



d. The collapsed into failed states.



e. They ousted authoritarian leaders by violent force
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