Ch. 29 Multiple Choice A and B

Quiz 29 Ch. 36 A

1.    World War II began with

    a. the assassination of Francis Ferdinand.

    b. Japanese attacks on China. 

    c. a Russian invasion of Poland.

    d. the Nazi invasion of Poland.

    e. the German takeover of Czechoslovakia.


2. Operation Barbarossa was

a. the British plan for a counter invasion of Germany.

b. the German plan for an invasion of France through Belgium.

c. the Polish operation designed to steal the secret German code machine.

d. the German plan for an invasion of the Soviet Union. 

e. the American plan for a landing at Normandy in northern France.


3.  The German blitzkrieg referred to

a. an elaborate series of concrete bunkers built on the experiences of World War II.

b. the Nazi plan for a Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

c. the living space in the east that was necessary for an expanding Germany.

d. a lightning war. 

e. the German representative assembly that voted Hitler into power.


4. Which of the following statements reflects the relationship between the Soviet Union and eastern Europe at the end of World War II?

a. The Soviet Union was widely hated because of its attempts in the interwar era to conquer the region.

b. The Soviet Union had the least developed economy in the region.

c. The Soviet Union guaranteed the political independence of the region.

d. The Soviet Union pushed for the establishment of free market states.

e. The Soviet Union had a very good reputation because of its role in defeating the Nazis. 


5.  Comfort women were

a. members of the WAVES (Women Appointed for Volunteer Emergency Service).

b. American women who took over men’s work during the course of World War II.

c. Korean and Chinese women forced into prostitution by the Japanese. 

d. German spies sent to infiltrate Allied nations.

e. wealthy women who received the title as an insult because of their refusal to assist in the war effort.

Quiz 29 Ch. 36 B


1. World War II began with

    a. the assassination of Francis Ferdinand.

    b. Japanese attacks on China. 

    c. a Russian invasion of Poland.

    d. the Nazi invasion of Poland.

    e. the German takeover of Czechoslovakia.


2. The high point of appeasement was

a. the Munich Conference. 

b. the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact.

c. the German invasion of Poland.

d. Germany sending troops into the demilitarized Rhineland.

e. the Washington Conference.


3.  Operation Barbarossa was

a. the British plan for a counter invasion of Germany.

b. the German plan for an invasion of France through Belgium.

c. the Polish operation designed to steal the secret German code machine.

d. the German plan for an invasion of the Soviet Union. 

e. the American plan for a landing at Normandy in northern France.


4.  The Japanese goal in the bombing of Pearl Harbor was

a. to be the first step in a planned invasion of the United States.

b. to draw the Americans away from fighting the Germans in Europe.

c. to permanently add Hawai`i to the Japanese empire.

d. to weaken the United States and establish a defensive Japanese perimeter in the Pacific. 

e. to implement the Final Solution.


5.  During the Battle of Okinawa,

a. the Okinawans took the opportunity to rebel against their Japanese oppressors.

b. the United States suffered a devastating defeat that almost cost them the entire war.

c. the United States introduced its own variety of the V-1 rocket.

d. the United States was able to seize 90 percent of Vietnam.

e. over one-hundred-thousand Okinawan civilians died refusing to surrender. 

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