Quiz 29 Ch. 36 Short Answer a&b

Quiz 29 Ch. 36 Short Answer A

1. What roles did women play in the following countries during World War II:
- USA and Great Britain
- Russia & China

2. Why did attacks on Russia and Britain cost Hitler the war? Could he have won? Why did Hitler kill himself?

3. Why did the powers of the world sit by and allow Italy, Japan and Germany to openly mock the era of cooperation and peace after the world war I ?

4. Compare and contrast the events and ends of the war in both the European and Pacific theaters. What role did the United States play in both… new technologies? 

5. Was the use of the Atomic bombs in Japan the right move to make? Explain your answer.

Quiz 29 Ch. 36 Short Answer B

1. What roles did women play in the following countries during World War II:
- USA and Great Britain
- Russia & China

2. Compare and contrast the events and ends of the war in both the European and Pacific theaters. What role did the United States play in both… new technologies? 

3. Why did the powers of the world sit by and allow Italy, Japan and Germany to openly mock the era of cooperation and peace after the World War I?

4. Why was the Holocaust allowed to go on as long as it did? Why did people just seem to turn a blind eye to the horrors of the concentration camps? Was it self-preservation? Or lack of caring?

5. How do you think the atomic bomb changed warfare for the future? Was it necessary? Was it overkill? Was it successful?

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