Quiz 27 Ch. 34

Quiz 27 Ch. 34 Quiz A



1. All of the following are long term causes of World War
(1914-1918) EXCEPT



                a. the rise of nationalism
        b. competition for colonies
        c. naval weapons build up
        d. economic recession



2. Which of the following was not an important area of competition and conflict between England and Germany in the years leading up to World War I?



    a. religious differences 



    b. the naval race



    c. colonial disputes



    d. industrial and trade rivalry



    e. nationalistic tensions



3. Which of the following was not a characteristic of the new total war of World War I?



a. the use of propaganda to inspire the participants to even greater sacrifice



b. unprecedented slaughter caused by new weapons



c. the extension of laissez-faire capitalism to its greatest freedom 



d. the recognition of the importance of the home front in the war effort



e. the implementation of the draft



4.  .  The key factor in the United States’ decision to enter World War I was



a. its long-standing friendship with Great Britain.



b. its position as leader of the free world.



c. the U.S. desire to pick up German colonies in the Pacific.



d. age-old antagonism between the United States and the Ottoman Turks.



e. Germany’s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare. 



5.  The main difference between the philosophies of Marx and Lenin was



a. Lenin’s belief that the revolution had to be based on free market reforms.



b. Lenin’s belief that the working class was incapable of developing revolutionary consciousness on its own. 



c. that Lenin was much more moderate than Marx.



d. Lenin’s belief that revolution was an inevitable force of history that would develop on its own.



e. Marx’s continuing fascination with the Utopian Socialists.




Quiz 27 Ch. 34 Quiz B



1. The term for the idea that people with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states was



      a. Utopian socialism.



      b. nationalism.



      c. democratic republicanism.



      d. Fabianism.

      e. self-determination. 



2.  The failure of the League of Nations to keep the peace was largely due to



a. the aggressive leadership of the United States 
b. the fear of communism after 1917
c. the hedonism of the 1920’s
d. vacillating leadership and lack of multilateral military resolve.



3.  The western front in World War I was



a. a German victory after the French abandoned their English allies.



b. a bloody stalemate. 



c. an overwhelming French and English victory.





d. a relatively easy German victory.



e. an Italian victory that changed the shape of the war.



4.  What effect did World War I have on the status of women?



a. Working-class women enjoyed the greatest advancement in economic opportunity.



b. The demands of total war actually reduced the opportunities for women.



c. All women took advantage of new economic opportunities, which lasted long past the end of the war.



d. The slaughter caused by capitalistic tensions caused 32 percent of women to join socialist or communist parties.



e. Women in many countries received the vote in the years after the war. 



5. The main reason for the failure of the provisional government in Russia in 1917 was



a. Lenin’s inexperience in actually running a government.



b. the growing rivalry between Stalin and Trotsky.



c. the strain placed on the government by the unpopular alliance with Germany.



d. the public’s desire for total victory, which clashed with the government’s pacifistic approach.



e. its inability to satisfy popular demands for an end to the war.



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