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STRATEGY - Culture

  • Strategy 2/ Plan A

    Strategy: We will ensure a culture of integrity, service, and community committed to excellence, innovation, and responsiveness.

    Action Plan 1 - Established Structure

    Action Plan 2 - Campus-Level Alignment

    Action Plan 3 - Partnerships

    Action Plan 4 - Collaborative Assessments

    Action Plan 5 - Best Practices

    Strategy 2/ Plan B

    Strategy: We will ensure a culture of integrity, service, and community committed to excellence, innovation, and responsiveness.

    Action Plan 1 - Best Practices

    Action Plan 2 - Innovative Strategies

    Action Plan 3 - Professional Learning

    Action Plan 4 - Continuous Improvement

    Strategy 2/ Plan C

    Strategy: We will ensure a culture of integrity, service, and community committed to excellence, innovation, and responsiveness.

    Action Plan 1 - Community Engagement

    Action Plan 2 - High Education Engagement

    Action Plan 3 - Parent/Staff/Student Engagement

    Strategy 2/ Plan D

    Strategy: We will ensure a culture of integrity, service, and community committed to excellence, innovation, and responsiveness.

    Action Plan 1 - Aligned Focus

    Action Plan 2 - Educational Efficiencies

    Action Plan 3 - Building Trust

    Action Plan 4 - Evidence of Data

    Action Plan 5 - Professional Learning

    Action Plan 6 - Digital Resources