• We are so excited that you are a part of our Falcon Choir Family!

    In choir, we do the obvious.....we SING! But don't be fooled - you don't have to know anything about singing to be in choir. We will teach you everything you need to know about finding, accessing, and using your singing voice, and you will be provided a safe space for vocal exploration. With a little bit of effort and consistent practice you WILL get there!! 

    Through the process of becoming a skilled musician and performer you will learn the value of teamwork, hard work, commitment, dedication, integrity, perseverence, acceptance....AND you just might even have a little fun while you do it! We make the learning enjoyable through games and friendly competitions, allowing you to earn incentives and rewards. You will enjoy making new friends in your class, creating a special bond with them, and having the opportunity to attend special events throughout the year.

    We can promise you this....you will get out of Choir whatever you put in to it. If you allow yourself the space to try and to accept the challenges, then there will be improvement. And in that improvement you will find joy and fulfillment.....and celebration....ALWAYS celebration!!!!