GT and Advanced Academics

student viewing globe with Â鶹¹ÙÍø GATE logo
  • Gifted and Talented Education
    GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) programming is designed for students with high general intellectual abilities.  Birdville ISD uses multiple measures to screen and identify students for GATE services.  GATE pull-out classes serve identified students in grades K-5.  For more information on GATE programming, select the GATE logo or visit Birdville ISD Gifted and Talented Education site.Select GATE logo for additional information

  • Advanced Academics
    Advanced Academics programming serves identified gifted students in grades 6 -12. Additionally, specific programs such as Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, and AVID are open to qualified students who wish to participate in rigorous coursework.  For more information, select the Advanced Academics logo or visit Birdville ISD Advanced Academics site.

    Select Advanced Academics logo for more details