• Haltom High School 
    Mission Statement

    The mission of Haltom High School is to commit to ensuring that all students learn to think independently; develop self-confidence; become enthusiastic, life-long learners; cultivate a respect for diversity of ideas; develop a positive concept of ethics and values; and acquire skills to become healthy, productive citizens.We, the faculty at Haltom High School, in accordance with the ideals set forth in our mission statement, believe that:
    • Student learning is the chief priority for the school.
    • All students possess the inherent drive for learning and are entitled to a positive learning environment resulting in the best education possible.
    • Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs.
    • A student’s self-esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among and between culturally diverse students and staff creating an appreciation of different peoples and cultures.
    • Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community share the responsibility for advancing the school’s mission by promoting opportunities to work together as a community of learners for the success of the school.
    • Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of co-curricular and extracurricular activities that enhance character, citizenship, and leadership while developing productive skills necessary for future success.
    • Students are provided competency-based applied learning that contributes to academic knowledge, higher order thinking skills, problem-solving skills, work attitudes, and general employability skills with emphasis on technology, occupational awareness, and post-secondary education.Students are provided with numerous opportunities to obtain college credit while in high school.
    Haltom High School’s goals, objectives, long-range and annual action plan all reflect the mission, and beliefs. Our Campus Improvement Plan is formulated to ensure that every student on our campus has the access and opportunity necessary to achieve to their fullest academic potential.
    We also recognize that we are part of a larger community whose support is essential to our successfully accomplishing our mission, and beliefs. Because of the high expectations from the Haltom High community, we are constantly striving to perform at a level of excellence commensurate with those expectations. Promoting student success is our cornerstone of our belief and guides our daily interaction with students.