• Welcome, !
    Name: Nicole Pool
    Phone: 817-547-5000
    Conference Time: 3:15-4:00
    Subject: Dyslexia Intervention
    Tutorials- Monday and Wednesday after school. 
    Class Schedule:
    MTA Kit 1: 8:40 to 9:25
    MTA Kit 5: 9:29 to 10:19
    7/8 Reading Lab: 10:23 to 11:08
    MTA Kit 2: 11:12 to 11:57
    MTA Kit 4/5: 12:01 to 1:33
    MTA Kit 3: 1:37 to 2:22
    Reading Lab 7/8 Grades: 2:26 to 3:11
    MTA Kit 1: 3:15 to 4:00
    Ms. Silva
    Welcome to Nicole Pool's active website.  



Last Modified on October 25, 2023