Emergent Bilingual Facts- Please find the information in this image below this image
  • Emergent Bilingual Facts

    An emergent bilingual (EB) is a student who is not yet proficient in English and requires specialized language services. Emergent bilinguals possess rich language and cultural experiences, preparing them as emergent bilingual students. 

    1 in 4 students in Birdville ISD is an emergent bilingual. 


    Total Enrollment and Emergent Bilingual Enrollment

    School Year Total Enrollment Emergent Bilingual Enrollment
    2005 22,482 2,434
    2010 23,441 3,722
    2015 24,328 4,725
    2020 22,736 5,093
    2023 23,315 5,895



    Dual Language Program - 8 elementary campuses

    ESL Content-Based Program - All elementary campuses

    ESL Pull-Out Program - All secondary campuses

    Emergent Bilingual Student Enrollment

    Elementary Dual Language 1,904
    Elementary ESL 1,065
    Middle School ESL 1,365
    High School ESL 1,485

    For more information about our programs, please visit our website.

    Languages Spoken by Emergent Bilinguals and Their Families

    41 different languages spoken by EBs and their families

    Spanish 4,150
    Arabic 142
    Vietnamese 133
    Other 284

    BIRDVILLE ISD - Department of Multilingual Services