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    Video Classroom Behavior Expectations

    • Choose your Location:  Find a quiet place with a school appropriate background. Make sure nothing is distracting, and your lighting is bright enough for others to see you.

    • Clothing:  School appropriate clothing is recommended.

    • Mute your microphone (mic):  Keep your mic on mute until the teacher calls on you and it’s your turn to speak. This will reduce background noise.

    • Speak up! Physically raise your hand or use the Raise Your Hand feature and unmute your mic when the teacher calls on you and it’s your turn to speak. Use school appropriate language as the meeting is recorded.

    • Do not use the Chat feature with your class unless the teacher states it is okay to do so. When using the chat room, write using school appropriate language. Remember that the class meeting is public and a record of the chat is retained.

    Pro Tips

    If your connection is lagging or stuttering, do the following:

    • Close extra open computer apps
    • Try to limit others on your WiFi while you chat
    • Turn off your camera and just listen to the discussion
    • Use headphones or earbuds with a microphone